Should I Turn My Furnace Off Before I Go On Vacation?

Your furnace is one of the most important appliances you use in your home. When you go on vacation during the spring or summer, it can be challenging to decide whether to leave it on or not. Many people consider turning their furnaces off to save money on utilities and because of safety concerns. There are many reasons why you should keep your furnace on during the warmer months.
Prevent Pipe Damage
Frozen pipes are one of the worst things that could happen to your home during the winter. When the weather starts to get warmer, you might assume that freezing pipes are not a problem but it’s hard to be sure with Canada’s unpredictable climate. To prevent your pipes from getting damaged from contracting and expanding from changing temperatures, keep your heater on. Ideally, that will mean making sure your home is at least 19 degrees Celsius even when your house is empty.
Pet Safety Concerns
If your furry family members occupy your home while you are away, then you will definitely want to leave your thermostat on. If you are leaving any pets in your home at any time, you will want to make sure they are kept at a safe temperature. Having the furnace on allows air to circulate throughout your home, making the air quality better for your pets.
Ensures System Stays Efficient
Another reason you should not turn your furnace off when you go on vacation is that it can be harder to get it running again when you get back. A heater that has been turned off for a long time uses a lot of energy and effort to get going again. You may even have to have it serviced before it can be used again. Because of this, you would be better off leaving it on the whole time. You shouldn’t risk the same thing happening in the spring or summer either.
Save Energy in Other Ways
To lower your gas and electric bills without risk while you are gone, follow this advice:
- Turn down your water heater to the lowest setting
- Unplug all your electronics as they can draw power even when off
- Switch off all lights except for one on the main floor for security purposes
Schedule Furnace Maintenance Before You Leave
If your furnace has been acting up, the last thing you want is for it to break down while you are away. The temperature in your home could fall below the recommended threshold. To prevent problems from developing in your absence, schedule a furnace checkup before you head out. Doing so will give you added peace of mind while on vacation.
Consult the Experts at Total Plumbing and Heating
If you have any other questions about what to do with your furnace while you are away, call Total Plumbing and Heating. We can answer any of your questions and provide you with a variety of services including installation, maintenance and repairs.